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Stephen van der Hoek, piano
Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition
1. Gnomus (The Gnome)
2. Il vecchio castello (The old castle)
3. Tuileries: Dispute d'enfants après jeux (Tuileries: Children's quarrel after games)
4. Bydło (Oxen)
5. Балет невылупившихся птенцов (Ballet of the unhatched chickens)
6. "Samuel" Goldenberg und "Schmuÿle"
7. Limoges. Le marché: La grande nouvelle (Limoges. The market: The great news)
8. Catacombae: Sepulchrum romanum (Catacombs: Roman tomb)
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (With the dead in a dead language)
9. Избушка на курьих ножках: Баба-Яга (The hut of fowl's legs: Baba-Yaga)
10. Богатырские ворота: В стольном городе во Киеве (The Great Gate of Kiev)